Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What I did for Memorial Day-

I spent 3 days working on my 1977 VW Bus. AKA The Blue Goose.
Heres a list of what I did-
  1. Cleaned, Sanded and Primered the Front Floor.
  2. Cleaned, Sanded and Primered the Rear Floor.
  3. Cleaned, Sanded and Primered the Cargo Area.
  4. Cleaned, Saned and Painted Windshield Wipers.
  5. Removed the radio.
  6. Removed the entire Dash.
  7. Separated the dash into it's 2 components.
  8. Cleaned all vent connections and vent tubing and connections.
  9. Cleaned and painted ashtray.
  10. Cleaned and primered the Area below the windshield.
  11. Cleaned and painted the dash.
  12. Cleaned, Sanded, Primered and Painted the metal dash cowling.
  13. Inspected the electrical wiring behind dash.
  14. Inspected electrical switches and connections.
  15. Cleaned and Primered the seat stand pedestals.
I'm sure I forgot some things.
Overall it was perfect weather, I worked an average of 9 hours a day over three days.
It was hot and the work was dirty and I enjoyed every stinking minute of it.
There's something satisfying about seeing a river of dirt water coming off of you in the shower
after a long day.
Excellent weekend.
Much needed.
Significant progress was made on the bus.
Much of which was done to make the bus street worthy.
Pulling the dash off and inspecting all the electrical connections is very important.
Being able to see previous electrical work and the "fixes," will allow me to correct bullshit repairs.
Fixing the floor allows me to make them ready for truck bed liner coating.
I'll do that myself. This will over all- strengthen the floor and allow me to insulate and run new wiring. Also allows me to address any rust issues.
Here's some pictures of what was done so far-

Time to remove the screws and bolts that hold the dash to the windshield.

Radio is no more. Cassette is a dying breed.
Dash has been removed. Nice wiring..

Dash is out. Needed to be sanded and painted.

Metal cowling Separated from dash. Primered.

Dash was cleaned and painted with Hyster Forklift Paint- Low Gloss black. Excellent paint.

Also painted the vent components with a high gloss black, for contrast.

Hyster paint for the wipers too. (along with other components)

The front floor is ready for paint and spray on bedliner.

Rear Floor is also ready.

Cargo floor is ready as well.

Cargo floor is also my work bench.

Thanks Scott- Hyster Forklift paint is outstanding.
Scott has a case of this stuff.
Great paint.

Great weekend good progress, I'll post more pictures later.

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